May 2023 Member Spotlight: Faith Dix, Winter Haven, Fla.


by USA Water ski & Wake Sports

My parents met and grew up on my home ski team of Wisconsin Rapids Aqua Skiers. I was raised on this team along with my two siblings and other children of skiers my parents grew up with. I was in my first ski show at age 4 as well as in my first show ski tournament at Wisconsin State. My family took a break from the team from 2007 to 2013, returning in 2014. My family and I came back more dedicated and ready to excel in the sport. 

Faith Dix swivel skiingMy siblings and I are very competitive with one another, and it makes us all stronger skiers. We are pushing ourselves every time we hit the water. We love spending family time on the water. I moved to Florida, joined the Cypress Gardens Ski Team, and began three-event barefooting at the World Barefoot Center in September 2022. I am now on the USA Elite Barefoot Team and will be competing in Australia in 2023. I have met many friends through this discipline of water skiing as well, and I am forever grateful for that. Show skiing is one of the only sports that the whole family can be a part of. We also enjoy this sport with so many friends that will last a lifetime. Our sport isn't large, but that is what draws us nearer to each other. It makes us one big family. Everyone knows someone at every ski event and you are still bound to meet new friends. My dad was a professional skier at places like SeaWorld. He has so many lifelong friends through these experiences. He may not see them often, but when he does, it is like they were never apart. I have met so many lifelong friends through this sport already, and I am only 20. I am excited to meet many more, and I hope to introduce many more people to the sport so they can experience the joy that I have when I'm on the water. My life wouldn't be the same without show skiing or three-event barefooting, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I am Faith Dix. I am a show skier and barefoot water skier, and #WeAreWaterSki.

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