AWSA IAC Seeks Officials For 2023 35+ Pan Am Championships


by USA Water Ski & Wake Sports

On or after June 1, 2023, the AWSA International Activities Committee (IAC) will nominate officials for the 2023 35+ Pan American Championships.  To be considered for any of the listed positions at this, you MUST COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM (EMAIL IS PREFERRED) NOT LATER THAN May 29, 2023. The IAC will make its recommended nominations to the AWSA Board, which will finalize the nominations.  All persons having responded to this notice will be informed of the Board’s final nominations.

All Judges must hold a 3-event Pan Am rating. FOR PAN AM JUDGES, REMEMBER THAT YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL APPLICABLE RE-TESTING REQUIREMENTSTo get the process started, or to request to be tested for a new Pan Am Judge’s rating, please complete the information in the following link:

There is a two-step nomination and selection process:

  • AWSA will inform the Pan American Confederation of its nominees for these positions.
  • The Pan American Confederation will fill all tournament positions from among the nominees submitted by all Pan American Confederation countries.

The IAC follows a progressive selection process for choosing officials as set forth below.  An official needs to participate in at least one event in each category before seeking a nomination to events in the next category.

Category A:  Jr. Open, Can Am, US Nationals (Chief, AC, Appt. Official)

Category B:  U17 Worlds, 35+ Worlds, U21 Worlds, Pan Am Championships

Category C:  Elite Worlds, Pan Am Games, World Games

As a part of the selection process, please provide your regional IAC members with information about your work in the last five years at the (1) regionals, (2) nationals, (3) 3-event record tournaments, (4) cash prize events and (5) any other helpful info with the years of participation provided (International tournaments, University Worlds, etc.).  Please contact your AWSA IAC regional representative to provide this information at the same time you submit this form. Please indicate your interest by marking and completing this form (PDF) and returning it to Jeff Smith ( submitted forms will be acknowledged.

2023 35+ Pan American Championships (North Carolina, USA – September 20-24, 2023)

Notice of any appointments for this tournament will be made directly by the Pan Am Confederation.

Please email this form (PDF) or the necessary information to Jeff Smith: Receipt of all email responses will be acknowledged.

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